d. established by axis of Paradise
11:2.3(119;4) positions of superuniverses relative to Paradise
15:4.5(169;5) living compasses of universe headquarters
34:4.12-10(378;6) supreme seraphim; highest angelic council
39:1.16(429;2) avoid confusion and uncertainty
27:4.3(301;4) instruct Paradise arrivals in accepted usages
27:4.1(301;2) primary supernaphim
27:0.3(298;3) Satisfactions of Service are reflective of
28:5.17(312;4) an inevitability; commonplace feature of human existence
193:4.7(2056;5) attendant upon selfish pursuits
195:9.7(2083;3) attends upon error since it cannot be lived out
2:7.6(42;7) can turn love into hate
177:4.11(1926;4) crushes those fixed on temporal allurements
177:4.10(1926;3) friendship lessens sting of
160:2.9(1776;3) greatest
d. is failure in Deity adventure
26:10.2-4(295;4) Jesus predicted crushing
d. 171:2.4(1870;1) Judas never had philosophic technique for meeting
193:4.7(2056;5) never regarded as defeat on Paradise
26:8.3(294;2) those
d. which never come are hardest to bear
48:7.21(557;5) trust in God's goodness despite bitter
101:3.4(1108;3) worst
d. sometimes becomes greatest blessing
48:6.36(555;4) does not lead to peace
134:6.6(1490;9) always works out for welfare and progress
10:7.5-6(115;7) Caligastia betrayal and Adamic default was
34:7.6(382;6) collisions revivify burned-out suns
15:5.11(171;6) endowment of imperfect beings with freedom entails inevitable tragedy
110:0.1(1203;1) if physical catastrophe should doom a planet, survivors carried away to new world
51:2.3(582;3) Jesus cheerfully indifferent toward
178:2.1(1932;4) have inherent spiritual insight
28:5.20(313;2) liaison with counselors and advisers of Havona
28:5.19(313;1) reflect knowledge of Mother Spirit
28:5.22(313;4) reflect presence of Adjusters
28:5.22(313;4) secondary seconaphim, reflective associates of Universal Censors
28:5.19-22(313;1) Jesus requires life of his
d. 191:5.3(2043;1) Jesus subjected
d. to repeated disappointment
153:1.3(1708;2) may return home to minister to loved ones
163:2.2(1801;5) must be willing to forsake father, mother, wife, and child for kingdom
171:2.2-3(1869;4) must earn own bread, contribute to those who teach
165:5.3(1823;3) only 3 men refused Jesus' invitation to become
149:2.12(1672;1) early war enforced
70:2.3(785;8) errant Melchizedeks purged with correctional rest
35:2.8(386;6) family members must sometimes share in
3:2.9(48;1) few mortals engage in spiritual
110:7.6(1213;1) God sometimes chastens us for our own profit
2:5.3(39;2) in social groups
fellowship should maintain temporal order
Jesus never hesitated to be severe if necessary
171:7.7(1875;2) of children
in Joseph and Mary's family
Jesus began early; punishment seldom required
let compassion be part of all punishment
punishment as corrective affection
wise fathers chasten in love for correction
188:4.10(2017;5) tempt not angels to lead you in troublous ways
178:1.10(1931;1) Van's loyalty resulted from disciplined character
67:3.6(756;7) whom the Lord loves he corrects
148:5.5(1662;2) work for full and unlimited sin-expression as quickest final cure
54:5.9-12(617;9) be not discouraged; evolution still in process
196:3.30(2097;1) be not discouraged by discovery you are human
156:5.8(1739;3) does not necessarily signify resistance to Adjuster
110:3.5(1206;3) evidence of moral immaturity
160:1.6(1773;3) Jesus was with Simon Zelotes through all his
d. 181:2.11(1957;1) commerce and adventure led to
69:4.8(775;8) Jesus' counsel on wealth derived from
132:5.16,10(1463;4) carried too far, leads to cowardice and failure
149:4.4(1673;4) Jesus concealed what made him look different
(D's continue...)